In a novel and innovative interpretation, its creator Tokujin Yoshjoka shows us plastic in a new light. The model «Ami Ami» from the Japanese «to weave» was born from the desire to reproduce within a piece of furniture, the traditional patterns of the designer's culture. A true technical performance, the polycarbonate material is here braided, giving the chair a sophisticated look whilst letting the light through.
These interlacing patterns that create the seat thus bring out the richness of the product's shaping. In white, black, smoked or transparent, it is an ideal aesthetic model to sublimate a reception table. Placed in a collective space, Ami Ami chairs adapt to different indoor or outdoor environments: restaurant, meeting room, terrace…
Recommendation: create an interesting optical effect over significant volumes by mixing transparent or opaque colors.
Designed by Tokujin Yoshjoka.
Edited by Kartell .
Structure in polycarbonate, transparent or color-injected according to model.